Dark Forest Honey 1700g (60 Oz)


Color: Dark
Taste: Sweet & Sour
Texture: Dense honey
Aroma: Oak aroma

Dark Forest Honey contains a range of honey species that come from specific forests of the Greek countryside. Greek universities examined this type of honey and the result showed that is 7 times more antioxidant than manuka honey.

Is a very special honey, with very high nutritional value,
This is what happens in this particular forest which is our bees, it has trees such as oak, chestnut, aria, and wild flowers.
They all make the composition of this honey very nutritious for the Human organism.
Really this can be called the King of Honey.

Benefits for Health

● Antibacterial and Antiseptic. All raw honeys “glucose oxidase”, which breaks down over time to produce a mild hydrogen peroxide solution, released upon contact with moisture. This solution functions as a sort of mild bleach, destroying bacteria and fungus on contact. Honey also is “hygroscopic” – it naturally absorbs moisture from the air, so honey has long been used to treat wounds, as bacteria breed well in moist conditions, so honey draws moisture out of wounds, and the hydrogen peroxide agent prevents wounds from becoming infected.

● Lower glycemic index.
Honey is less refined than other sugars, such as white sugar from sugar cane, and as such it takes longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream, causing no dangerous glycemic index spikes, but rather a more prolonged, healthy increase in your blood sugar levels.

● Dark honeys contain many healthful antioxidants and minerals. Dark honeys, like Oak honey, contain many antioxidants that help fight off free radicals, which are being explored as causes of various degenerative diseases. One antioxidant that’s particularly unique to honey is pinocembrin, an antioxidant that has been studied as potentially improving brain function.

● Honey Is Easier To Digest – Honey is already partially digested! That’s how it’s created by bees – sugars and pollens are broken down by digestion by bees into honey. Because it’s partially digested already, honey is easier to digest than other refined sugars, making it easier on your digestive system, and helping to increase the development of friendly bacteria that reside in the digestive tract. (1.)

● Honey is a natural sleep aid – A spoonful of honey is said to aid sleep, because it provides the body with enough glucose to help “feed” the brain during the night, which in turn decreases the production of cortisol and adrenalin, two “stress hormones” that can be released in the early morning when you’re inadequately fed, and prevent peaceful sleep. In addition, it can help stabilise your blood sugar and contribute to the release of melatonin, a natural hormone produced by your body which aids in the recovery and rebuilding of your body tissues while you rest. (According to recent Hershey, Penn USA study).

● Honey is good for your skin – Many beauty products incorporate honey, and honey itself attracts moisture to your skin to help nourish it. In addition, honey’s antioxidative properties help protect skin against free radicals, which can damage it. It’s used by people around the world to soothe skin conditions such as sunburn, acne, and even eczema.

A miraculousness Honey from “Wonderfulbees”

Weight 1.7 kg
Dimensions 12.5 × 12.5 × 10.8 cm


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